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Western Doctors - The World's Most Efficient Murderers
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Written in 2011 by this site's owner: Most doctors trained by the most prestigious medical schools in the West are the most dangerous people you can ever meet.

God help you if you have cancer or AIDS or some form of severe ailment that is life threatening. If you go to regular Doctors to be treated for these you will most likely end up dead!

At most, doctors are the most arrogant, educated buffoons you will ever have the displeasure of knowing and at worst they are the most efficient murderers and killers the world has ever known. They have no concept of how the body actually works; the delicate interactions and communications between cells, the difference in electrical charge between both sides, or inner and outer surfaces, of tissue membranes or muscle, the balance of energy between the various organs of the body, etc. Thousands of interactions and connections beyond their feeble brains to comprehend.

On top of that, out of 7 or more years of medical school and internship they have only had about 7 hours worth of lectures on nutrition - the knowledge of which foods actually nourish and feed the body and makes it healthy or not (as the case may be).

The only thing doctors have been thoroughly versed in is what drugs to give people for their various ailments and/or diseases. Now why is that? Because most western medical schools are funded by pharmaceutical companies! You didn't know that? Well, now you do.

All doctors that have had patients who have had cancer, for example, and then recommended chemotherapy to the patient(s) which subsequently killed them, are guilty of at least manslaughter and, at most, first degree murder or, in extreme cases, genocide (when many patients have been recommended chemo who then died after getting the treatment).

Another example... what about doctors who advise (or threaten) children and adults to get vaccinated who then subsequently have adverse reactions to these vaccines and even, in some cases, die? There is a huge amount of data linking vaccines with autism, disfigurement, sterility, adverse reactions, death and SIDS (Shaken Infant Death Syndrome). The doctors in these cases are also guilty of murder and/or genocide and even infanticide (when children have died because of getting vaccinated while under the care of their doctor). Yet they still roam free. Not one has been tried for murder.

There can be no denying any longer that vaccines are dangerous and their purpose re-tasked to population control and population destruction at the behest of those who want to cull the world's population. Don't believe me? Go and read up on the 'Georgia Guidestones' and read the first guideline.

So, doctors are at the forefront of this culling under the umbrella of health or 'protecting children'. They are guilty of murder, genocide, infanticide and a whole slew of other crimes.

I myself have not been to see a doctor since I was 7 apart from three times and those times were 1) getting a physical to get a motorcycle racing license 2) getting a physical for immigration purposes and 3) for a minor thing, not even worth mentioning. I am now coming on to 57 years of age.

I have spent the last 36 or more years studying and researching various aspects of life with health being one of those areas. I have discovered that understanding the body is very easy. I have also discovered that healing the body of disease is also quite easy. My father was diagnosed with blood cancer in November 2013. Within a week I had sent him over 5 cures for cancer that I happened to have lying around my apartment. I also had him send off for two others which were very simple and cheap protocols. The total cost for me? About $240 which included $100 for a special gallon of colloidal gold and silver that was also structured by music per Masaru Emoto's work - Vivaldi's Four Seasons playing through headphones placed over the gallon container and played for 24 hours.

The result? My father CURED (and I use that word deliberately) of cancer within 6 months without any pain. Mind you, it did help for him to also have changed his diet to eat more raw fruit and vegetables and to also have raw vegetable juice.

And I am proud to say I am not even a doctor. I wouldn't be seen dead in a medical school (not even as a cadaver) and I wouldn't prostitute myself to become a doctor either. If I decided to get involved in the area of health I would look at becoming either a chiropractor, Nutritionist, Body Talk practitioner, acupuncturist, homeopathic Doctor, Chinese Doctor/herbalist, kinesiologist or herbalist. These are all laudable professions. Being a regular western doctor is not.

With that being said, there are a few brilliant regularly trained (Western) medical doctors who serve mankind to the best of their ability - Dr. Rebecca Carley, Dr. Hulda Clark (deceased), Dr. Blaylock, Dr. Lorraine Day, Dr. Huggins, Dr. Thomas Levy and hundreds of others whose names I can't recall or who remain nameless. Those who go against the medical establishment and the AMA (American Medical Association) and put their livelihoods and lives on the line are not included in this 'rant' against doctors. Especially those who have been killed and/or blackmailed into silence. To those I take my hat off and say 'Thank you for your service'.

To the rest of those who are doctors and go about their life thinking that they are better than everybody else and, amongst other things, administer chemotherapy or vaccines to men, women and children, or hole up in their labs creating ever more deadly strains of virus, or dream up more and more perverted ways of killing us off with various concoctions - I say this to you 'Your day of reckoning is HERE!'

Anyone can leave me a message here (including those in the medical establishment that would like to sue me! Go on, MAKE MY DAY!!!):

This page was last modified on 04 June 2023 @ 12:41am EST

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