This page is in homage to those brave souls that stand up for truth no matter the personal cost. It was inspired by Candace Owens when she aired the video that is on her page on the 11th of December 2024.
The list on the left is made up of those whom I have come across in my research, or that I have communicated with via email or telephone, or who are personal friends of mine.
They all have one thing in common - doing their best to improve the lives of others and trying to make this world a safer and better place to live in. This was done by either helping others, trying to warn us about the world we live in despite danger to themselves or trying to use their position in the world to break the hold that evil people have over the 'system'. Some on this list have lost their lives trying to make this world a better place or trying to warn us about future events or because their inventions would impact the profits of various industries and would break the control that these industries have over us. They died so that you and your children may live a long, healthy and happy life.
This page was last modified on 03 March 2025 @ 5:18am EST