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  • International Currency Review

    International Currency Review cover

    Issues: 4
    Price: $650.00
    Or UK: £450.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0020-6490

    The global currency intelligence publication with independent country and currency reports, which enjoys a global reputation for calling crucial currency, economic and related geopolitical developments – and publishes highly sensitive intelligence on Financial Warfare and official corruption issues that are typically sidestepped by the ‘mainstream’ media. Published since 1969, International Currency Review has been edited since 1970 by Christopher Story FRSA, a former occasional adviser to Lady Thatcher, and remains the only dedicated independent currency publication in the world. It is reviewed and consulted by international agencies, by private investors, bank analysts, intelligence and official structures, financial institutions and large corporations worldwide. Leading universities subscribe too. The publication also undertakes investigations into secretive geofinancial intelligence activities and transactions which no other journal addresses. Its top authoritative reporting and investigative work is respected throughout the international financial community. Because International Currency Review has been engaged in sensitive financial studies for decades, it is in a position to shed light on financial issues and scandals that the ‘mainstream’ media sidestep, for fear of official or underworld retaliation.



  • Economic Intelligence Review

    Economic Intelligence Review cover

    Issues: 6
    Price: $475.00
    Or UK: £350.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 1350-1070

    Economic Intelligence Review – not to be confused with an inferior product illegally using the same title – is edited by Christopher Story FRSA, who is at the same time the Editor and Publisher of the well-known global currency publication, International Currency Review [see above]. Preferably, operational subscribers should consider ordering both these publications, since Economic Intelligence Review often updates the journal and complements its very extensive geofinancial coverage. This special intelligence service examines the world’s leading economies and economic areas, commenting acerbically on underlying trends and reflecting the Editor’s extensive experience of 38 years of constant economic, currency and financial research and analysis. During 2004, the Editor of this service was described as ‘one of the best analysts in the world’, a new accolade in recognition of his routinely sustained long-term reliability, sober independence, 38-year record, and professional objectivity.



  • London Currency Report

    London Currency Report cover

    Issues: 10
    Price: $995.00
    Or UK: £650.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0307-0360

    London Currency Report is recognised by international banks and investors as an authoritative, leading and very long-established independent printed country and currency information system, specialising in geofinancial and global economic and financial analysis. Each Volume is provided with its own filing binder, supplied with the subscription. This global information service has been relied upon by several ‘generations’ of currency and economic analysts at financial institutions worldwide. Established in 1972, the information system supplements institutional analysis with inspired contrarian assessments of geofinancial and geoeconomic developments and trends, providing authoritative ‘value-added’ market information. In June 1992, then in its 20th year, London Currency Report forecast specifically that the pound sterling would soon be expelled from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, a prediction made by no other currency analytical service in the world. A number of subscribers made considerable financial fortunes by acting on our information.



  • Interest Rate Service

    Interest Rate Service cover

    Issues: 10
    Price: $995.00
    Or UK: £650*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0308-9002

    Interest Rate Service is recognised by international banks and investors to be a succinct, objective, independent printed source of analysis on world interest rates and monetary developments. Each Volume is provided with an attractive red filing binder. The authoritative and reliable monetary analytical insights associated with this intelligence resource have been commended by financial institutions and their analysts since the service was first established in 1977, as a supplementary ‘add-on’ subscription option for institutional subscribers to International Currency Review [see the details above]. Although interest rate movements and monetary trends are central variables of everlasting importance for all financial transactions, published assessments of contemporary monetary developments are liable to be deprived of deep insight and thus uninformative, in the sense that the fundamental reasons for observed developments may stay unexplained. This is where Interest Rate Service provides the necessary ‘value-added’. Financial institutions and government entities worldwide have been using Interest Rate Service, valuing its reliability, since it was first introduced. The service is also relied upon by private investors and corporate treasury departments internationally, for contrarian monetary and market insights.



  • Offshore Centres Report

    Offshore Centres Report cover

    Issues: 6
    Price: $300.00
    Or UK: £200.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0952-7125

    Offshore Centres Report investigates the tax havens of the world and their facilities in the context of the international community's supposed continuing crackdown on money laundering. It looks into certain alarming dimensions of hidden geofinancial criminalism, especially the operations of certain criminalised intelligence services. There is one law for intelligence operatives – who may often make very extensive use of offshore corporations and bank accounts to hide the proceeds of Financial Warfare operations, commodity scams and other criminalism activities – and another law for the rest of humanity, with respect to the use of offshore hiding places. The metropolitan countries have attempted to impose control over the offshore centres or tax havens, but have so far been unable to complete this international exercise because of the insistent, nefarious secrecy requirements of the warring intelligence communities and their competing requirements for safe money laundering and drug money distribution facilities. Offshore Centres Report looks at sensitive issues like these, and, for example, exposes the use of certain favoured centres, like Anguilla and Grenada, as operational tax havens favoured by the intelligence structures.



  • Soviet Analyst

    Soviet Analyst cover

    Issues: 10
    Price: $475.00
    Or UK: £315.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0049-1713

    Soviet Analyst remains the only reliable intelligence publication in the world that is devoted exclusively to the Soviet Leninist dimension of the continuing dialectical World Revolution (the Thesis) and to the systematic exposure of the continuum of Soviet strategic deception and revolutionary antagonism towards the international community. The Antithesis to this state of affairs is the proactive World Revolution stance of the United States – a revolutionary power by definition – the agenda of which is inscribed upon the Great Seal of the United States, a fact of which almost everyone is ignorant. The year 1776, inscribed upon the bottom of the incomplete geomasonic pyramid on the Great Seal, which is replicated on the familiar $1.0 note, is the date not of the foundation of the United States, but of the publication by the lapsed Catholic priest-promoter of the Illuminati, Professor Weishaupt of Ingolstadt University, of a dark treatise on the ‘New World Order’. Soviet Analyst positions the essentially self-standing Soviet ingredient of today’s World Revolution within the context of this evil revolutionary dialectic. Successive issues of Soviet Analyst have exposed dimensions of continuing covert Soviet strategic deception operations – which the United States is at last having to face, having woken up, for instance, to the fact that the insurgency in Iraq is being directed by Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU). We have exposed the true identity of Mikhail Gorbachëv, too.



  • Arab-Asian Affairs

    Arab-Asian Affairs cover

    Issues: 10
    Price: $375.00
    Or UK: £250.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0196-3538

    Arab-Asian Affairs, which predicted President Sadat's assassination and is widely read by intelligence communities, has a lengthy and distinguished track record for profound strategic analyses which prove to be accurate. In 2004, Arab-Asian Affairs explained the true, disguised reasons for Libya’s sudden ‘conversion’ from a pariah terrorist state to a prospective long-term oil partner of Britain and the United States. In a nutshell, the régime and Libya were cynically threatened with obliteration if they did not ‘cooperate’ – which in practice meant accepting, in perpetuity, the blame for the Lockerbie disaster, which Libya did not organise. PAN-AM 107 was being used as a drug transportation highway by foreign intelligence cadres and was blown up by a Palestinian terrorist faction on Syrian instructions in the wake of a dispute over drug operations. Over the years, Arab-Asian Affairs has provided uncannily accurate and objective insights into the machinations of the Great Powers concerning the Middle East – favouring neither side in this catastrophic struggle for energy resources. The publication, which was originally founded in 1975 by Jon Kimche, is extensively read in Arab capitals, and among the region’s Ruling and intelligence-linked circles.



  • The Latin American Times

    The Latin American Times cover

    Issues: 10
    Price: $450.00
    Or UK: £300.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0265-0886

    The Latin American Times, which was originally edited and distributed from Bogotà, Colombia, is a geopolitical intelligence publication with a regional focus covering the Central and South American countries and the Caribbean nations and territories, as well as, from time to time, the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). It specialises in individual country reports – focusing primarily on economics and geopolitics, drug-trafficking operations, money-laundering, intelligence criminalism, Greater Power antagonisms and economic initiatives in the region, and international relationships. Its coverage of developments in Argentina, the external debt default of which in 2002 was greater than any sovereign default since the Russian Revolution, is comprehensive. Unlike almost all other regional services, The Latin American Times is not biased in favour of Marxist solutions, which means that it is preferred by business leaders, financial institutions and corporate analysts. But like all World Reports Limited intelligence publications, issues of The Latin American Times are liable to elaborate on inside intelligence information which is typically lacking from ‘mainstream’ sources.



  • Eastern Europe Analyst

    Eastern Europe Analyst cover

    Issues: 4
    Price: $450.00
    Or UK: £300.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 0965-0350

    Economic and political reports on the East European countries, their relations with the eastwards-expanding European Union Collective, and on crucial geostrategic issues arising from the reality that their intelligence services and Interior Ministries continue secretly to report to Moscow. The point here is that the European Union is, as Gorbachëv himself openly admitted during a brief visit to London on 23rd March 2000, ‘the new European Soviet’. Therefore, Central and East European adherence to the European Union is the surreptitious means of establishing the intended de facto Soviet hegemony over the ‘single political space’ that is to stretch, as Soviet operatives have insisted, ‘from the Atlantic to Vladivostok’. Eastern Europe Analyst complements Soviet Analyst as an authoritative contrarian source of intelligence on continuing Soviet covert revolutionary strategy in the region. Intelligence input is associated with economic, monetary, banking and political analysis.



  • Global Intelligence Package

    Issues: All*
    Price: $2500.00
    Or UK: £1650.00*
    * Cheques only

    For certain investors, institutions, intelligence organisations, think-tanks, sizeable business corporations, government structures and professional analysts, it may be convenient to subscribe to most issues of the serials that we publish, for a ‘package price’*. This service includes successive issues of every title that are published by World Reports Limited and by Global Analysis Limited within any calendar year*. The advantage of this Global Intelligence Package is that the analyses published in some titles may be influencing the intelligence published in others. By subscribing to our primary serials output*, none of the special intelligence and interpretations that we publish will be missed. For instance, our analysis of the Libyan démarche in 2004 [in Arab-Asian Affairs], and the profoundly cynical Western provocation that underlay it, will not have been received by subscribers to the individual financial and economic services. And our key work on Soviet strategic deception, although referred to and influencing certain analyses in titles other than Soviet Analyst, has been consistently elaborated in that service – which indicates that those not on the Soviet Analyst list may never have become aware of the exceptional significance of this research work for the international financial community. [*Important: London Currency Report and Interest Rate Service are excluded from this Global Intelligence Package].



  • Global Analyst

    Global Analyst cover

    Issues: 6
    Price: $250.00
    Or UK: £165.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: 1365-4705

    Global Analyst is not published by World Reports Limited, but we include it in this space because of this newsletter’s specific relevance to all serious observers and analysts of global affairs and the World Revolution through which we are all having to live. For further information, please press More... , which will take you straight into the Global Analysis Limited Home Page. Global Analysis Limited is our wholly-owned specialist resource for intelligence on hidden dimensions of the World Revolution, which is turning the world upside down. Most serious people realise that something has gone drastically wrong, but very few have any knowledge at all about the causes of today’s revolutionary turmoil. To direct important light onto this crisis, we publish Global Analyst, an anti-revolutionary newsletter introduced in 2002, which provides disturbing insights into the geomasonic, esoteric and multiple associated reprobate forces (some of which will cause dismay among many decent people) that are driving the global revolutionary dialectic. Global Analyst sets out to identify and expose the underlying causes of the destabilisation we see all around us – of government, the churches, education, morality, entertainment and the family. Who is blackmailing the President of the United States? What is the Synagogue of Satan? What is the actual identity of the Four Kingdoms listed in Daniel Chapter 8, and how do they relate to today’s crisis (truly!)? Are they synonymous with the Four Beasts of the Apocalypse? (Probably). Why is the breach between the Grand Orient and the Scottish Rite lines of freemasonry so serious? Are key intelligence communities, which are basically occultic secret societies, out of control, and if so what needs to be done to bring them under control? It is questions such as these, relevant to the lives of all of us, that Global Analyst addresses – whether those accordingly exposed like it or not.



  • Back Issues Service*

    *No 'cherry-picking'! 50% EXTRA charged on Back Issues of current and past two Volumes.

    Most issues of the titles listed are still available as Back Issues. Complete past Volumes can also be ordered. In the first instance, please use the Contact Us Facility to describe your requirement(s). This sends us an email to alert us of your order request. In the case of International Currency Review, some earlier issues are out of print, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

    Complete Soviet Analyst serials (with a few exceptions) are available back to 1972. Remember that all Back Issues INCREASE in value (and thus slightly in price) as they age. Certain back Issues of our intelligence publications have always been in demand, and constitute a valuable intellectual property resource. By definition, stocks of Back Issues are also a diminishing resource.

    We therefore charge a Pro Rata price per copy or Volume based upon the currently advertised Volume price, as displayed on this site**.

    PAYMENT: We accept payment for Back Issues from Subscription Agencies on the basis of a Purchase Order or payment with order. In all other cases, payment is required with order. If you pay by cheque/check, please confirm in your email back to us that you will send your remittance to our London or New York address, and send us by fax a photocopy of your payment to: 212-679 1094 [North America/Western Hemisphere] or to +44(0)20-7233 0185.

    Request pound sterling price break data via the Contact Us facility.

    NOTE: A 15% handling charge plus postage is added to each order. As stated above, this service may not be used to ‘cherry-pick’ particular issues. If we suspect that this may be intended, we may refuse supply. The 50% EXTRA stipulation given above is intended as a deterrent to this unworthy practice. Further information is obtainable from us by pressing...



    Issues: One
    Price: $300.00
    Or UK: £150.00*
    * Cheques only
    ISSN: N.A.

    Since the Editor has been plagued by the NSA's mental defectives who have been inundating us with evil Trojans, viruses and worms, and who embarked in July and August 2008 on a cynical, deliberate and wholly illegal assault on our systems by directing over 1,000 'Returned/Failed delivery' trash emails per hour at our systems, all liberally sprinkled with Trojans and other deadly inventions of these American counterintelligence nutcases, the Editor has sourced, tested and is now using a FOREIGN proprietary Internet Security and anti-virus, anti-spam and overall computer protection suite that is FAR, FAR SUPERIOR to Norton, McAfee and the other so-called 'security' programs that were developed by US intelligence and marketed to innocents all over the world as though they are stand-alone products. They are not. They may spy on YOU and may collect your data.

