The Red Terror in Russia

The classic eye-witness report

Author: Sergey Petrovich Melgounov    Published by: Edward Harle Limited

The Red Terror in Russia cover

Edward Harle Limited has republished this rare book for a reason. It clearly describes what is liable to occur in any country (such as the United States today) which dispenses completely with the Rule of Law. In contemporary America – which is in the proecss of being rocked to its foundations as the consequences of our Wantagate exposures reveal the depths and extent of the financial, real estate, child abduction, paedophilia and identity fraud and theft that has destroyed the basis of its civilisation – Congress, which is almost totally corrupt, has taken steps to approve legislation which will turn the country into a new edition of Soviet Russia – with all criticism of the Government forbidden, on pain of the severest of penalties. According to reliable US sources, the United States already has 650,000 political prisoners. Concentration camps have been readied, prisoner box cars and crematoria have been constructed, and there is a hideous gas chamber installation attached to the Amtrak facility at Indianapolis. As the financial corruption crisis unravels, revealing that the CIA and the Mossad were jointly responsible for the 9/11 atrocities (as suddenly confirmed by the former President of Italy, Sig. Cossiga, on 4th December 2007), the wagons are being circled so as to 'protect' the perpetrators of these hideous crimes, which Wantagate has exposed. This is precisely the kind of lethal political background against which an outbreak of extreme violence such as gripped Russia following the Soviet Revolution led by the Illuminati operatives, Lenin and Trotsky, can easily occur. Sergey Protrovich Melgounov's descriptions, culled from contemportary writings and from his own experiences, reveal to what unfathomable depths of depravity a cornered criminal class will descend, as it seeks to avoid the retribution that is its due. The entirely new edition of this work is illustrated with selected contemporary photographs.

  • Price: $55.00
  • UK [cheques only*]: £45.00*
  • ISBN: 978-1-899798-06-3
  • Published in: 2008
  • Author: Sergey Petrovich Melgounov

Originally published in Berlin in 1924

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