Please feel free to send your letter and information.
I will only place it here with your permission
I can assure you that pogues carburetor still works to this day, the additives create a higher boiling point.
One way to correct this problem is to use a pogue carb with a turbo. The turbo adds sufficient heat to fully vaporize the gasoline.
Please note, place the carb upstream of the turbo, this will prevent pressurizing the carburetor.
Any other questions, contact me
Brian Hague
CTO Super Sonic Innovations
Hi Bruce,
Just wanted to congratulate and encourage you on your website about super-high-mileage carburetors. The information you have generated is very interesting stuff, and, I might add, quite technically correct. Being a Chemical Engineer, the catalytic cracking of higher boiling point hydrocarbons and combining with water makes perfect sense to me. I've done a few crude thermodynamic calculations in the past, from which its obvious that water will start to favourably react with hydrocarbons and release CO and H2 above about 375°C. (I was interested in the hydrogen side of things when I did the calculations.) Catalysts like nickel should lower that temperature a bit too. CO and H2 are often called syn-gas in industrial terms, and are the synthetic building blocks used to make methanol in an industrial setting. But oh...I digress too much...I'm probably not tell you anything you don't already know.
Currently I'm trying to finish off my PhD, and while I'm waiting for my supervisors to read things, I've been looking more closely at various websites (including yours) about high-mileage methods for car motors. Hopefully I'll eventually get to doing some 'real' tinkering of my own and will start to put together some devices to try. But that will have to wait until I have more time to do it!
But congratulations on your website, I wish you all the best in your endevours. God Bless!
Yours in Christ Jesus,
I would really like to thank you for putting this web page together for everyone to see. I have been interested in this topic for over 20 years and have even designed my own systems. I hold a B.S. in Industrial Technology from Ohio University and have been a backyard mechanic since I was 10 years old. I have read many of the books you have mentioned on your web page and have come to the same conclusion, the oil companies, auto manufacturers and the government are behind the cover up. They don't want us to have this technology for several reasons. First, their earnings would drop dramatically as people would consume far less fuel and they would not need to replace their automobiles as often. The government would receive much less in tax revenues because our consumption would drop, and the world economy would probably take a dive as several thousand people would end up unemployed. This doesn't even take into consideration all of the oil producing countries and their economies. I have
personally designed several systems for vaporizing fuel myself. Most of them are based on other designs that I have improved upon. I wanted to tell you about one of the most promising systems that I've read about over the years. In 1984, there was an article in "Hot Rod Magazine", about Henry "Smokey" Yunick and his "Hot Vapor Cycle Engine". Smokey is probably one of the greatest automotive engineers of all time and his design was essentially based on Pogue's, although much refined. He took a Pontiac Fiero with a 151 cu. in. engine and was able to get 250 net horsepower and 50 miles/gal. from it! Unfortunately, Smokey was never able to get the system to market. He was talking to Chrysler and GM about it and mentioned something about a company called Motortech doing further research on it. I tried contacting Motortech in the Fall of 1984 to find out the status of their research and they acted really strange. Needless to say, it never made it to market and from all of the articles since
then, Smokey doesn't want to talk about it. Something else you might like to look at is the OX2 engine that is being developed by Advanced Engine Technologies. Their web address is www.oxtwo.com and contains animated videos of the operation of the engine. It seems that Carroll Shelby is backing this venture and is on the board of directors. I guess that we'll have to wait and see how this turns out! I have yet to try building anything that I've designed. In fact most of it resides in my head. I have gotten as far as purchasing many of the materials that I need but usually did not have the money or the time to pursue it. Now I live several hours away from the garage where I do most of my mechanic work and find it almost impossible to get back to it. If you have any additional or updated information I would greatly appreciate you sending it to me or updating your page. Thanks!
H J. H
Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i enjoyed your website very much. I've been hearing about pogue's supercarburetor and variants of it for a long time, and i stumbled upon your site thru research on the topic. This issue makes me very angry! it's appalling to think of the evil that could have been avoided had it not been for corporate greed -- The Gulf War, smog, many environmental concerns, gas prices, and dependency on OPEC and the middle eastern oil cartels for our energy sources. With cars as efficient as 200 mpg, Texas could provide the US' oil supply for centuries to come. Also, i praise God that you are a Christian, and glorify Him thru your work and your website. i wish you luck in your efforts to make this technology public, and i hope you'll pursue it with all diligence and knowledge that you hold an important key to making the world a better place. i pray for your success! your fellow brother in Christ, J. S.
Hi I use to live in Apache Jct. AZ. My little sister in her late teens use to work for a man who bought a car from either Ford or Chrystler. They (one of those companies) has a testing grounds out in the desert South of Mesa, East of Chandler. They put in a Carborator box while testing all vichicles and by accadent sold a car with this box like device still attached to the Carborater to the man my sister worked for. They asked for it back, but he wouldn't give. He was getting about 75 miles to the gallon with it. They offered him money. If I remember right he didn't take it. You might be able to find a law suit agains't the owner of the car for not giving back their Filtering System. My little sister I believe worked for a man who sold Storm screens or windows for homes. The man I believe lived in Tempe. At least his buissness use to be in Tempe. It has been so long I sure hope I got my facts straig! ht. Good Luck. Two weeks ago heard about a man on the radio who is
using soy for fuel and getting clean and good gas milage. --- LM--
Mr. McBurney
I first want to thank you for putting the Website about High Mileage Carburetors out there. This information seems to get harder and harder to come buy. From the information in this article and talking to many auto Mechanics and an engineer I am about to make a fuel purification system so That I can burn off the additives and thus not mess up my system.
I have a really quick question though, in your article you mentioned an inventor named Ray Covey who developed a special adaptor plate that enables you to use your existing carburetor until your system heats up to purify the fuel. I have tired to access the US Patents but it seems like their search engine is down. Would you happen to know where I can either get a diagram of this device or even better where I could purchase one? If you could get back to me I would really appreciate it.
Thanks again
The oil lobby is behind the reason why we have ineffective carborators. The elected officials already know this. Many patents have already been bought by them to keep our cars inefficient. Also, other cars with better mpg are banned in the United States. Our elected officials don't give two rips about the environment. If they did, they would have pushed this long ago. Why do we need them anyway? Any grass roots organizations doing this on their own?
Enjoy your web page! There are others showing cars fueled by hydrogen, the cars built 80 and more years ago that used hydrogen efficiently with a great deal of power. On a different front, solarhart built a thermal siphon capable of generating more than 100% of a houses electrical needs under ideal conditions, that they were going to market in 1979, after overcoming the last obstacle. Shortly before they were going to put it on the market, Solarhart was purchased by Shell Oil Australia. As you can imagine, the product never saw the light of day.
Dear Bruce....Just yesterday I was talking to a friend that the world needed to make a quantum leap to run our cars effeciently. Then I came home and discovered that this already happened 70 years ago. I read about your efforts in the new magazine Electrifying Times. I will send for your book tomorrow and further I am thinking about copying this article and sending it to every congressman and representative. I'm sure this has already been done but one more time couldn't hurt. If you have time to answer one question before I receive your book, can a qualified mechanic build this vapor carb? I want to place one on my 83 Buick. I just hate driving and polluting the air. I drive less than 5k a year for this very reason. So until later. Let's shake up some people. Regards KE
An Open Letter From Bruce McBurney
Read about the importance of releasing supercarb technology.
Letters to share
Two letters that I invite you to share throughout the net.
This is a collection of letters that have been sent to me at my web site.

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