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Letters to the Media about Evidence of Super Thermite

April 21, 2009

I have sent the following letters to the New York Times, CNN and Time Warner, my representative in Congress, and the Guardian newspaper in Britain.  Letters like these should be sent by concerned citizens across America and around the world to local politicians and media as well as the big networks and each and every member of Congress - and the White House.  I would recommend that the letters be sent by email and also by post.  Request a written response.  A follow-up phone call would also help.  Readers are taking similar actions in Canada and Australia.  Citizens, now is the time to pile on the pressure.  Feel free to use my links and text if you would like to.  Let me know how it goes in your area.  You can now contact me by clicking on the little envelope at the top right-hand side.   Here are a few of my letters:

To:  Mr. Clark Hoyt, Public Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018
(212) 556-7652

An Open Letter to The New York Times
from Christopher Bollyn
April 21, 2009

Ignoring the Evidence of Super-Thermite from the World Trade Center


Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," by Steven E. Jones, Niels H Harrit, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2, February 13, 2009

Dear Mr. Hoyt and Editors of The New York Times and International Herald Tribune:

How can the New York Times completely ignore the scientific evidence of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the dust of the demolished and pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center?  Do you consider this crucial scientific discovery irrelevant to the understanding of what happened on 9-11?

A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones, has proven that chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," were found in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center.  This paper, which passed a peer review and was published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers, yet not a single word about it has been published in the New York Times

The silence of the New York Times about the evidence of super-thermite in the destruction of the twin towers is a perfect illustration of why newspapers are going out of business in the United States:  a controlled press is simply not relevant.  The American people want truthful information about the vital issues of the day, like 9-11.  The New York Times, on the other hand, is a good example of the controlled press:  the Times "failed the American public" in your reporting during the lead-up to the war in Iraq, according to your own bureau chief in Baghdad, John Burns.  Previously, the Times spread blatantly false reports about that country's alleged weapons of mass destruction in order to create public support for an illegal war of aggression.  Now, when we have solid scientific evidence that a highly-advanced nano-composite thermitic explosive known as super-thermite has been found in the dust of the World Trade Center, you are silent. 

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11.  This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers long before the two planes struck them on 9-11.  Although we have earlier seen evidence that the towers were demolished with explosives, this is the first time we have solid evidence of the explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.  

Clearly, the New York Times is unwilling to publish the most pertinent information about vital matters concerning the American people, such as the search for the truth about what really happened on 9-11.  This makes the New York Times irrelevant.  The Times is in the same boat as the controlled press of the former Soviet Union and many of the leading newspapers of the United States.  The controlled press is a boat that is sinking and that deserves to sink.

Christopher Bollyn

Sources:  Bollyn, Christopher, “We Failed the American Public,” American Free Press, April 2, 2004

Comments from supporters:

"The Tide is Turning"

I'm right behind you on this one. I've contacted news agencies in Australia and the UK to alert them to this issue, and I will not relent until a satisfactory
outcome is achieved.  I really appreciate your alerting me to the publication, and I absolutely agree that the tide is turning on the perpetrators of this crime.

- N.M. in Australia

*   *   *

To:  The Board of Directors, Time Warner Inc.
c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary

Edward Adler, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications
Time Warner Inc.
1 Time Warner Center
New York, NY  10019

Philip Kent, Chairman and CEO
Turner Broadcasting Systems
1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA  30303

Ted Turner
Turner Enterprises, Inc.
Atlanta, GA  30303

An Open Letter to CNN and Time Warner
from Christopher Bollyn
April 28, 2009

Why is CNN & Time Warner Avoiding the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center?

Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)

Dear Sirs:

As one of the largest news networks in the United States, Time Warner's CNN is a source of information for millions of people.  As a news network serving the public, CNN is expected to report honestly about the news and relevant developments connected to the important matters facing the nation.  As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and importance to the American people – and the world. 

CNN, however, has never shown any real interest in discussing the physical evidence of 9-11.  When, for example, a CNN team came to Schaumburg, Illinois, in January 2007, to interview me as an independent journalist writing about 9-11, they showed absolutely no interest in discussing the evidence of explosives and steel-melting thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center, although this was the key element of the research I had been writing about for the previous year or more.  Rather than discuss the evidence of demolition, CNN seemed determined to frame me as an anti-Semite.  I was repeatedly asked, "So, who did it?"  To which I responded, "9-11 is an unsolved crime."

Failing to get me to say anything that could even be remotely construed as anti-Semitic, CNN relied on a video-editing trick in an obvious attempt to smear me.  After I told CNN very clearly that I was not an anti-Semite, the video editors spliced in a clip of a woman from the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) taken in another city at another time, that made it appear that she was responding to my comments.  Fortunately, we had recorded the entire interview with CNN and were able to show how CNN was not at all interested in the evidence from 9-11 but wanted only to smear me as an anti-Semite.  Why would CNN even have such an agenda to attack a truth seeker of 9-11?            

Now, two years later, we have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center.  This is a crucial discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11.  CNN, however, has yet to even report on this key discovery, which was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in March 2009.  Why is CNN avoiding discussion of such crucial evidence of the explosives found in the dust of the destroyed twin towers?  Is the scientific evidence explaining how the towers were destroyed of no importance to CNN?

How can CNN ignore the scientific evidence of large amounts of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center?  A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center.  This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers, yet CNN has not even mentioned it.

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11.  This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11.  So, who put super-thermite in the WTC? 

This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.  One would think that CNN would find such a development to be newsworthy.  CNN's refusal to discuss the crucial evidence of explosives in the World Trade Center reveals that CNN is both controlled and opposed to discussing the evidence of what really happened on 9-11.  


Christopher Bollyn

*   *   *

To:  Rep. Melissa Bean
432 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3711

April 28, 2009

An Open Letter to a Member of Congress
Concerning the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center

 Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)


Dear Rep. Bean:

As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and importance to the American people – and the world. 

We now have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center.  This is a crucial discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11. 

A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center.  This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers.

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11.  This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11.  So, who put super-thermite in the WTC? 

This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.  I would expect that this discovery would be of great interest to members of Congress.  This evidence disproves the official version of events and indicates that the nation has been lied to about what really happened on 9-11.

I would like the information presented to Congress for discussion and entered into the Congressional record as a crucial scientific discovery about what has been found in the dust of the World Trade Center.  Please inform me by email of your actions on this matter.
Thank you.

Christopher Bollyn


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