Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit
Updated May 10, 2010
9-11 Judge is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad Culprit ICTS
It is very crass and it probably will come back to be critical of me, but there is an expression that is sometimes very useful, 'Money is the universal lubricant.' It makes it easier to go on with one's life.
- Alvin K. Hellerstein
This bastard judicial system is so corrupt.
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

Alvin K. Hellerstein is the judge who handles all 9-11 litigation. His son is an Israeli lawyer who emigrated to Israel in 2001 and whose law firm works for and with the Rothschild-funded Mossad company responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. This presents a clear case of criminal conflict of interest and explains why Hellerstein has protected the Israeli culprits of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11 by preventing a trial and blocking any legal discovery of what really happened. (NYT photo)
He can't understand our loss. He sees the solution in a very cold and pragmatic way - in dollars and cents. He thinks everybody should take the money and go away.
- Mike Low, father of Sara, a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11
U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, the Orthodox Jew who oversees all 9-11 related cases, is seldom discussed in the news. While his name does appear occasionally in the press, for example when he sentenced a "terrorism financier" to prison in April, the secretive judge who handles all 9-11 tort litigation is virtually unknown to most Americans. This is intentional, of course, because any discussion of the Bronx-born judge would reveal his Zionist roots and close relationship to the state of Israel, where his son Joseph Z. Hellerstein lives on a Jewish settlement on the West Bank and practices law with one of Israel's most important law firms, Amit, Pollak & Matalon.

Joseph Z. Hellerstein
Judge Hellerstein is the subject of a recent article in the New York Times. The May 2 article by Mireya Navarro, "Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering", is an overly positive ("puff") piece written for a sympathetic newspaper (i.e. one which is involved in the 9-11 cover-up) yet Hellerstein "declined repeated requests for an interview" with the Times. Why would "the compassionate jurist" who has "shepherded" the 9-11 litigation process for years, and who is said to be "driven by a sense of social responsibility", refuse to be interviewed by the New York Times? Why is such an important judge avoiding the national media at such a critical point in the 9-11 saga - and U.S. history?
The "puff piece" in the New York Times went so far as to end with a quote saying that Judge Hellerstein "is now like Elvis in the 9/11 community." The article is clearly designed to cast Hellerstein in a glowing light before an increasingly skeptical public (before he closes the book on the 9-11 tort litigation - without a single case going to trial). If Hellerstein were truly motivated by "a high standard of morality and decency" as his former co-partner at Stroock, Stroock & Lavan said, why is he so unwilling to discuss the 9-11 tort litigation? There is, of course, only one reason for him to avoid the media - he has something to hide and wishes to avoid the spotlight. Alvin Hellerstein is certainly not a hero. He has completely obstructed justice for the 9-11 relatives - for eight years - by blocking any discovery and preventing the families from getting the one thing they all wanted - an open trial to find the truth of who was responsible for the terror attacks that caused the loss of their loved ones. Hellerstein has played a key role in the 9-11 cover-up by blocking legal discovery and preventing a trial from occurring.
Having worked for years on the hypothesis that Israeli intelligence was involved in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11, I have pointed out in my online book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World (and numerous articles) that the key players in the 9-11 saga are all closely connected to Israeli intelligence (i.e. Mossad). Michael Chertoff, for example, supervised the non-investigation by the F.B.I. in which more than 99 percent of the steel evidence from the World Trade Center was hastily shipped to China and other Asian nations to be destroyed. Chertoff, an Orthodox Jew who is affiliated with the same Zionist organizations in New York as Hellerstein, is an Israeli national whose mother was one of the first agents of the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. Hellerstein, who has presided over the 9-11 litigation process, has a similar connection to the Mossad through his son, Joseph.
This is of crucial importance because one of the key defendants in the 9-11 wrongful death tort litigation process is the Mossad-controlled airport security firm named International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) N.V., which is the owner of Huntleigh U.S.A., the passenger screening company that checked the passengers that boarded the aircraft at the key airports on 9-11. The Israeli-owned ICTS is one of the aviation security defendants responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. Any 9-11 trial would require ICTS and Huntleigh to provide evidence and explain who ran their security checkpoints on 9-11 and how the 19 terrorists got on the planes in spite of the fact that their names were not found on the passenger lists. Judge Hellerstein has prevented a trial and effectively blocked any discovery that would reveal what really happened on 9-11.
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served as the chairman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. - and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11. The Rothschild/Cukierman Catalyst Fund is also invested in a company called Cyalume, which is run by several of the SCP Partners of Ehud Barak. The Israeli Mossad corporate network may seem large but it always involves the same small group of people at the top. Many of the names are easily recognized by a researcher who is familiar with the Zionist criminal network. One of the head people of the Catalyst Fund and Cyalume, for example, is Yair Shamir, the son of the well-known terrorist-cum-prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.

Boaz Harel of ICTS is a partner at Cukierman & Co.
Judge Hellerstein's son, Joseph, works for a firm that represents and works with the company that owns one of the key defendants in the 9-11 tort litigation. This presents an obvious (and probably criminal) conflict of interest that cannot be ignored or allowed. The Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges has a checklist for financial and other conflicts of interest that is very helpful in understanding Hellerstein's conflict(s) of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation. Through Judge Hellerstein's connection(s) to Stroock, Stroock & Lavan (who represented Silverstein when he acquired the World Trade Center) and through his son, whose Israeli law firm (Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.) works closely with (and represents) Cukierman & Co., the parent firm and employer of Boaz Harel and ICTS, key defendants in the 9-11 tort litigation.
Both Alvin Hellerstein and his son Joseph worked for the well known Jewish law firm of Stroock, Stroock & Lavan before moving to the positions they now hold. President Bill Clinton appointed Alvin Hellerstein to the U.S. District Court in New York in 1998 and Joseph moved to Israel in 2001. They both know that the conflict of interest exists, which is why they don't want to be interviewed by the media. Stroock, Stroock & Lavan played a key role in the setting up of 9-11. They represented Silverstein Properties when Larry Silverstein acquired the lease for the World Trade Center in July 2001. They also represented Goldman Sachs, A.I.G., and Cerberus Capital Management, three of the key fraudulent companies involved in the trillion dollar bail-out of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Stroock has a long history of representing the Rothschild's and other high-level Zionists:
Firm historian Jethro Lieberman wrote: 'It was the 'Our Crowd' German-Jewish clientele for which the firm was mostly, and justly, noted in those days.' That included Otto H. Kahn, Felix M. Warburg, Walter N. Rothschild, and Jacob Schiff. The three early Jewish partners contributed to many Jewish organizations, such as the Educational Alliance founded in 1889, the Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Invalids, the Jewish Board of Guardians, the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America [where the Chertoff family is deeply connected].
Judge Hellerstein's close family connection to the Rothschild-funded Mossad company responsible for the terror attacks of 9-11 explains why he was chosen to handle the 9-11 tort litigation. He was chosen to manage the 9-11 litigation to protect the 9-11 deception - and the guilty - by blocking discovery and preventing a trial. When Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein closes the book on the 9-11 litigation having settled all the cases out of court without a trial, I suspect he will have to retire in Israel. Knowing very well how he and his Zionist cronies have obstructed justice for so many people, his fear will not let him live in peace among those he has wronged so grievously.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Murderous Mossad and 9-11", March 23, 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "Is 9-11 Judge Hellerstein Working for Israel?" October 23, 2007
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Judicial Hijacking of the 9-11 Victim Lawsuits", April 14, 2006
Bollyn, Christopher, "9-11 Judge Hellerstein 'Slams' 9-11 Widow Ellen Mariani", December 6, 2007
Bollyn, Christopher, "Judge Forces Families to Settle Out of Court", September 9, 2007
Bollyn, Christopher, "Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11", August 3, 2009
Bollyn, Christopher, "Michael Chertoff's Childhood in Israel", October 26, 2007
Code of Conduct for United States Judges, Checklists for Financial and Other Conflicts of Interest
"Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering", By Mireya Navarro, New York Times, May 2, 2010
Guide to Judiciary Policies & Procedures, Chapter 2, especially on Conflicts of Interest
"NY man sentenced in terrorism financing case", By Colleen Long, Associated Press, April 19, 2010
"Silverstein Seeks Unsealing of Property Damage Deal", by Mark Hamblett, New York Law Journal, April 16, 2010
Website of Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. on Joseph Z. Hellerstein
Website of Catalyst Fund on Boaz Harel and Cyalume
Website of Cukierman & Company on Roger Cukierman and Boaz Harel
Website of Stroock, Stroock & Lavan